The Clean Architecture

At least for me and for the smaller Apparat modules like apparat/resource, an overly textbooky Domain Driven Design approach doesn't seem to work too well. DDD introduces a lot of overhead in my case and isn't really explicit about how multiple modules should interact in the end. I'm still confused about how to layout files and folders and there are still DDD concepts that I'm not able to locate in my particular use case (e.g. events, commands, use cases etc.).

While searching for something simpler, yet equally powerful, I came across The Clean Architecture and The Clean Architecture in PHP. I will give it a try and refactor apparat/resource a second time according to the following layout:

Package structure / file & directory layout

|-- composer.json
`-- src
    `-- <PACKAGE>
        |-- Domain
        |   |-- Contract
        |   |-- Factory
        |   |-- Model
        |   |   `-- <MODULE>
        |   |       |-- <MODULE>Interface.php
        |   |       |-- Abstract<MODULE>.php
        |   |       |-- ...
        |   |       `-- InvalidArgumentException.php
        |   |-- Repository¹
        |   `-- Service
        |-- Application
        |   |-- Contract
        |   |-- Controller
        |   |-- Factory
        |   |-- Model
        |   `-- Service
        `-- Framework
            |-- Http²
            |-- Model³
            |-- Repository³
            |-- Test⁴
            `-- Yaml⁵
  1. Here only interfaces ("contracts")
  2. User Interface: Arbitrary number of primary ports (e.g. Api, Cli, Rest, etc.)
  3. Infrastructure: Arbitrary number of secondary ports (e.g. persistence, database adapters)
  4. Tests are an architectural part and located on the outermost layer (side by side to e.g. infrastructure)
  5. External Libraries: Arbitrary number of external library / framework adapters


  • The file name of abstract classes MUST start with Abstract
  • Interface file names MUST end with Interface.php
  • Exception file names MUST end with Exception.php
  • Factory file names MUST end with Factory.php
  • Contract interfaces strongly related to domain modules SHOULD be part of the module (otherwise located at Domain/Contract)